Sunday, August 23, 2009

Spanish Class 2009-2010 Syllabus

TEXTS: Por Todo El Mundo

Our texts will provide a well-rounded approach to communicating in the Spanish language. You will learn to understand, speak, read and write Spanish. Weekly scripture memory verses for oral work will be provided. We will also become familiar with many aspects of Spanish culture, including sampling food from Spanish speaking countries, playing games, singing songs and watching videos.


a loose leaf notebook always containing usable paper

blue or black ink pen-bring two to be on the safe side

QUIZZES: Weekly vocabulary, oral scripture memory, and pop quizzes as deemed necessary

(HINT: being prepared for class eliminates the need for some quizzes!)

TESTS: usually after every few chapters

Bonus points will be available on every test and on most quizzes.


First quarter you will choose an area of Spanish culture or a Spanish speaking country to research and report orally to the class. Guidelines will be given. The report will be in English.

Second quarter will be a report in English on a Spanish holiday.

Third quarter will be an oral report in Spanish on your family and pets.

Fourth quarter will be an oral recitation/ report in Spanish.


You must be in your seat ready to begin within 10 seconds of the ringing of the tardy bell or you will be marked tardy. You will have a short assignment to complete the first few minutes of each class period. Always look on the board for your instructions for beginning each class. Usually these will be assignments to be completed individually without talking. Should a student interfere with the teaching of the class, they will be dismissed to the office and may not return to class.

Each class period you will need to bring your text, your vocabulary work book, your notebook with ample paper and a functioning pen. Participation in class is essential.

Lesson plans will be posted on my blog page, the white board, and verbally spoken each day in class. You should be able to see the current week as well as at least one previous week. Any missed work listed that you do not understand, please check with me or with another student in the class. You will be expected to follow the handbook guidelines for turning in work missed while absent and for scheduling make-up quizzes and tests. It will be your responsibility to make up the missed work.

Homework is to be kept in your notebook. Some days I will collect homework for a grade, other days I may do a notebook check. Assignments not completed the date due will result in homework slip and work must still be completed and turned in for 1 letter grade lower. I will try to give time in class for longer assignments. Assigned work is to give you practice and to help you to learn. Learning a language is similar to learning to play a sport or an instrument - repetitive practice is required to excel. If you have a valid reason for not having an assignment completed, please let me know- before class if possible. Never hesitate to call me at home if you need help.

Todo lo puedo ine Cristo que me fortalace.

Filipenses 4.13